Mobile Literacy Van
In early 2018 a new mobile literacy van launched. This Mobile Literacy Van visits each of the 5 elementary schools one day per week during the school year. It serves as a circulating library, a source for story and activity time and offers afterschool tutoring. When school is not in session, the Mobile Literacy Van is in the Community at such functions as the Summer Reading Extravaganza and other Community events throughout the year.
The Monrovia Reads Literacy Van now visits every school in Monrovia!
The Monrovia Reads Literacy Van visits the elementary schools Week 1-3 and the middle schools, high schools and Canyon Early Learning Center during Week 4.
Please visit the Monrovia Public Library website for specific dates at monrovialibrary.librarymarket.com
Early Childhood Learning Program
At Monrovia Unified School District’s Canyon Early Learning Center
We are pleased to partner with Canyon Early Learning Center (CELC) and the Transitional Kindergarten classes in all 5 Monrovia Unified School District Elementary Schools for our Early Childhood Learning Program.
At CELC, we offer 3 Parent Classes that teach the importance of reading to children at an early age. The parents not only receive classroom instruction, but are also given resources to help them read to their children at home and get them ready to read. We also offer a Reading Club that allows children to receive free books after parents, caregivers or siblings read a specific number of books (or the same book over and over) to the children. There is nothing more thrilling than to see the smile on the face of a child when they get to select their new book.
For the Reading Clubs in the Transitional Kindergarten classes at all 5 elementary schools, books are provided in English. For dual language immersion classes, books are provided in English/Spanish or English/Mandarin so the parents may read to their children in both languages.
Each family is given a bag of books for their home library when they attend the first class.
Reading Club at Canyon Early Learning Center
Transitional Kindergarten (TK) at all 5 Monrovia Unified School District elementary schools
Monrovia Public Library Foundation has generously donated money to help fund this worthwhile Program
New Book Distributions
Canyon Early Learning Center
Monrovia Reads provides new books through various programs throughout the year: Reading Clubs at Canyon Early Learning Center and Monrovia Unified School District Transitional Kindergartens allow children to select new books when a specific number of books are read to them at home; book distributions at Canyon Early Learning Center Back to School and end-of-year celebration and book distributions at all 5 Monrovia Unified School District elementary schools. Monrovia Reads also provides books several Community events where books are distributed.
Read Across Monrovia
A twice yearly “Read Across Monrovia” brings school children and the community together in a shared experience with literature. The read-ins are held in October and March between 8:00 AM and 9:00 AM at all the local public elementary schools in Monrovia. The community leaders, business people, and volunteers share some favorite works from literature with the students.
Mini-Grant Program
This program is for teachers at Monrovia Schools that provides grants for class sets of selected literature to meet school curriculum when lack of funding in the school budget prevents purchase. These books provide students with their own copies to help complete reading assignments that may be kept for their own personal libraries.

Monrovia Reads was pleased to present $19,000 in scholarships to 2022 graduating Monrovia Seniors. Pictured are Monrovia High School Scholarship winners who received their certificates from Board Secretary Anne Van Dyke. MHS Scholarship awardees (Pictured from left to right): Joanne Spring 4-year scholarship winner Kendra Christian, Megan Barrett, Sarah Avalos, Ashley Jauregui, Madison Barr and Luca Ammon.
Monrovia Firefighters' Association Pancake Breakfast
Monrovia Reads distributes new books to all children at this annual event.

Comfy Camp
Monrovia Reads was pleased to participate in the City of Monrovia’s 2020 Summer Comfy Camp by providing books to all the children each week of the program. The materials provided by the City and the books provided by Monrovia Reads helped families during the COVID-19 pandemic safer at home mandate.

September 18, 2020
Monrovia Reads
Attn: Janet Wall, Board President PO Box 1033
Monrovia, CA 91017
Dear Ms. Wall,
On behalf of the City of Monrovia and the Community Services Department, thank you for your generous donation to the Comfy Camping at Home Family Adventure Program. Your donation of 400 books helped make the program a huge success; we had close to 100 Monrovia youth and family members participate!
With your generous giving, we were able to enhance our program and include books in our family camping kits. The feedback was overwhelmingly positive, and many of the families showcased the books in their photo submissions. We have put together a video, and invite you to share this with others. The video can be found on the City of Monrovia’s YouTube channel; https://youtu.be/CS7J5v-ZRDc.
We are also pleased to announce, based on this success, the Family Home Adventure Series will continue this Fall with a Halloween theme.
Your continued support and partnership in projects throughout the city are greatly appreciated. Please extend our gratitude to the entire Monrovia Reads Board, as we look forward to our future endeavors.
Thank you again for your commitment and dedication to our community!
Tina Cherry
Community Services Director